Sunday, September 8, 2013

#31dc2013 day 5

Blue Nails for day 5.
Slowing catching up here! 
Not much  to say not in a good mood, which I guess goes with the theme here: Blue!
 I had to chase a mouse around my kitchen for an hr with my roommate, who finally smashed it with a dustpan. (We tried to shop-vac the lil guy which worked great to get him outta the cupboard but once the vacuum was off he climbed back out the hose! Not okay with this, and also not okay with Jake screaming louder then me becuz of a tiny lil mouse. Lol. 

Onto the nails- I'm tired and too lazy to do more cleanup- especially since they'll be off tomorrow anyways. Bummer. Also terrible lighting and picture quality! 

Blah blah, feeling blue. Re do this again later! 
Day 5✔

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